Photo by Grier Horner/All Rights Reserved
We drove up Mount Greylock the other evening and I got this shot of the setting sun. At 3,492 feet it is Massachusetts' highest peak.
It's eight miles up its twisting road - eight luxuriously smooth miles since its reconstruction several years ago.
It was our first ascent this year. It's a place of such beauty we wondered why we don't go up more often.
I used to climb it on my bike. I wish I still could. The ride up was work but the ride down was exhilarating. Once I pedaled up on January 1 on a day when the snow was only about an inch deep.
On another winter descent I skidded in a patch of snow and landed on the side of my head. Those were the days before I wore a helmet. Almost knocked myself out.
It is a rare winter when you can ride up. Usually the snow comes early there, piles deep and stays until spring.