October 18, 2009

In and out of focus

Photos by Grier Horner - all rights reserved.

Grand Central appears cloaked in gold Friday evening as the figures of rush-hour commuters swirl and as flames seem to jet from the wall on the left.

While I'm on my gallery quest, I'm doing a little house hunting.
I mean this place going up on 10th Avenue between West 23rd and 24th might fit the bill.

But when you live in a glass house in the city you become part of the view, as a friend observed.

That dark form slicing through the left side of the photo is the new High Line elevated walkway. Not a bad thing for a country boy to have at his front door.

This is my reflection in the window of the train taking me home. I didn't have time to get a martini at my favorite Grand Central bar. But I grabbed a Coors Lite at Gate 30 and drank it on the train.

In the old days when my father used to commute to Tarrytown, you could buy drinks on the train. My mother wasn't a big fan of that amenity.

Walking to the subway stop on 8th Avenue after scouting out galleries I took a picture of this middle-aged couple holding hands.

(To enlarge the pictures, click on them.)