I took a lot of photos in the morning and then again in the afternoon. These are all from the late afternoon after a friend and I had a wonderful time talking over coffee.
I was driving up South Street in Pittsfield, Massachusetts - the town where I live - when I caught a red light at West Housatonic.
It looked so beautiful in this clear light that I pulled my little Nikon out of my pocket and took this shot.

If you haven't read this amazing, mystic first novel by David Wroblewski, I recommend it highly.
Anyway, I was standing in the library's lower parking lot when I took the photo above looking east on East Street.

Click on the shots to blow them up. Photos by Grier Horner/ All rights reserved.
Let me apologize for the technical problems that have blocked my efforts to post recently on my main blog site, http://grierhorner.com/blog.